Full time Permanent posted 3 years ago in Admin & Human ResourcesJob Detail
Job ID 15731
Career Level Others
Experience Fresh or +
Industry Human Resources Mgt & Consultancy
Qualifications Others
Job Description
- 工作地點: 葵涌區 (3號貨櫃碼頭,亞洲貨櫃物流中心)
- 薪酬: 日薪$470/日,勤工獎$30/日,超時津貼 $63/小時,假日工作津貼$200/日
- 職責: 收貨,掃瞄貨物,裝箱,分貨,執貨,搬貨,使用唧車
- 要求: 無須經驗 ,歡迎畢業生及轉行人士,須要穩定長期工作(不設散工/兼職)
- 工作時間: 星期一至六 09:00-18:00,另設中間時段: 星期一至五11:00-20:00,星期六09:00-18:00
- 長期福利: 強積金,7天年假(按年增加),12天勞工假,免費穿梭巴士
- 出糧方式: 每月7號出糧,銀行自動轉帳
有意請聯絡3469 5321蕭生 了解詳情 或 複製以下WhatsApp連結並發送個人簡介,資料齊全將優先處理。
Drake Overload Ltd
Number of employees: From 51 to 200
Drake International has been in operation at a global level for 66 years with over 34 years in the Hong Kong market. Not just a recruitment company, Drake International specializes in Productivity Improvement for our clients through recruitment, psychometric and behavioural assessments or through training via our HR Seminars and Webinars. Drake P3 is a market leading psychometric test for all hiring managers to be compared to all candidates that Drake put forward. Thus ensuring a cultural match and tips on how the two can work together.