Job Detail
Job ID 21004
Career Level Entry
Experience 1 - 2 Years or +
Industry Property Management
Qualifications certificate
Job Description
Centaline Property Agency Limited was founded in 1978, by now a flagship of Centaline Group, whose service arms are extended to business sectors including residential, office, industrial, retail, mortgage brokering, real estate acquisition and collective sales. Centaline Property is a well-known brand in Asia Pacific, it has branches in Mainland China, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore.
To copy with our rapid business expansion, we are looking for high-calibre candidates to fill the following position:
- 處理住宅之買賣及租賃
- 須持有效營業員 / 地產代理牌照
- 積極主動,良好溝通技巧
- 底薪 + 佣金 + 獎金
- 免費中原學院,培訓各專業知識
- 有薪年假及病假
- 婚假及恩恤假
- 強積金
- 醫療津貼
- 進修津貼
- 介紹新人獎金
- 僱員買樓 / 租樓免佣
- 員工購物優惠
- 強大電腦資料庫及後勤支援,助輕鬆完成交易
- 完善福利制度,良好晉升機會
有意請聯絡人力資源部Whatsapp熱線:5941 9906查詢。
We offer excellent remuneration package and career prospects to the right candidate. For application, please send full resume with present and expected salary to Human Resources Department, 5/F., Tower 1, New World Tower, 18 Queen’ s Road Central, Hong Kong or email to [email redacted, apply via company website]
For more information about us, please visit our website at:
Data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.